Sunday, March 23rd, 2025
12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
We are living in a time of great tumult and polarization, yet the larger story is a hopeful one. We are alive on Earth at an extraordinary time of awakening to the truth of the underlying oneness of all that is.
Everything that we see playing out on the national and global stage arises from consciousness, and so it is only at the level of consciousness that healing and transformation can happen. In this retreat—through meditation, journaling, music, ritual, and sharing—we will allow ourselves to enter into the experience of oneness and union.
We will listen deeply to what this collective moment is asking of us, and we will open ourselves to the Love that abides within us and which guides our way. The new world we long for will not come forth from the arena of politics but from the power of Love that is within us. As we open ourselves to that Love, which abides in our own hearts, we allow it to become manifest in our relationships, words, and actions. We become the healers and the way-showers in this turbulent time.
Facilitated by Patricia Pearce, M.Ed, M.Div
writer ~ speaker ~ spiritual explorer
“In the midst of the US Election chaos and stress, Patricia's retreat was a breath of not only fresh air, but a welcome respite from the prior unsettling months and concern.”
“Patricia Pearce is a calm yet forceful presence who leads the group to their individual revelations while creating a community of seekers.”
“Patricia facilitated this retreat wonderfully. The peaceful, calm, and contemplative nature that she brought to the retreat was potent and very helpful in my achieving a calm and peaceful state.”
“The facilitator did a beautiful job of welcoming everyone where they are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. . . This process of giving voice to all these perspectives really helped me get in touch with each of these feelings. . . Powerful!”
“It was healing for the soul.”
About Patricia:
Patricia Pearce was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. After graduation from the University of Colorado, she serves as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Andes of Ecuador. That experience set her on spiritual exploration that lead her into the ministry, and she served as an ordained Presbyterian pastor for seventeen years. In 2002, following the death of a close friend, Patricia experienced a spiritual awakening that led her beyond the bounds of conventional Christian belief. In that awakening Patricia saw that all things are interconnected, that Love is the essence of Reality, and that the separate self is an illusion.
This illusion, which exists only in the mind, is lived out in our personal lives and enacted in the political and economic systems we create, systems which are causing extreme suffering and jeopardizing the very ecosystems that support life on Earth. Patricia shares more about her awakening and how we are being called to 'transform the story' in her book entitled, Beyond Jesus, My Spiritual Odyssey.