Cosmic Throat Singer Matthew Kocel: Healing Songs of the Universe

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Imagine floating in an ocean of sacred sound... vibration so profound it seems to have form, texture, and color. It’s hard to believe these tones come from a human. Affectionately known as the “Cosmic Throat Singer”, Matthew Kocel's surreal voice resonates in the core of your being, awakening a deep sense of connection to the universe, and to life itself. The effect is often compared to plant medicines.

“Matthew Kocel’s music is so primal, so rich and brilliantly soulful…it touches us on a deep level that opens our hearts.” - Dr. Joe Dispenza

“Words seem so deficient for explaining the depth of experience... I was being moved by sound, my whole body was light and vibrating.” - Vancouver Yoga Review

Hailing from the rugged west coast of British Columbia, Matthew Kocel is a respected leader in the global sound healing movement. He has released 3 albums thus far, and his music is featured in Dr. Joe Dispenza's meditations and retreats worldwide.